living life

one faith moment to the next

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

strong & courageous

living life, one faith moment to the next

My name is Lora Tucker Kaasch. I’m a Christian, wife, dog mom, entrepreneur, marketing addict, optimist, author, and auto-immune warrior. This page is largely based on the mountains and valleys in my own life and my mission to find hope, strength, and courage in all the little things along the way.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but if I can inspire one person to live a better life, one person to push ahead when it’s the last thing they want to do, one person to commit to investing in their own health, one person to draw closer to Jesus, or one person to strive for their dreams, then I’ve got all I need in the world.

There is hope — and I hope that God’s light shows through the words you find here.


thoughts for the journey

Christian encouragement enjoying life

you have permission to enjoy life

you have permission to enjoy life
Christian encouragement serve others

we’re saved to serve others

we are not saved by serving others; we are saved to serve…
Christian encouragement courage

have the courage to be who you are, and you will succeed

have the courage to be who you are, and you will succeed
Christian encouragement who you are in Christ

chosen by God

when you know who you are in Christ, you might not be…
Christian encouragement faith

the enemy does things to hurt us, but God works them out for good

the enemy does things to hurt us, but God works them out…
Christian encouragement God help me

God, please help me do this right

God, please help me do this right
Christian encouragement gratitude

be on a mission to find things to be thankful for

be on a mission to find things to be thankful for
Christian encouragement forgiveness

our first response to offense should be forgiveness

our first response to offense should be forgiveness
Christian encouragement hope inspiration

be a light in someone else’s darkness

be a light in someone else's darkness
Christian encouragement

God is not finished

God is not finished
Christian encouragement don't be pushed by your problems be led by your dreams

don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams

don't be pushed by your problems be led by your dreams
Christian encouragement humility God's plan

you can’t do the great things that God has planned for you without humility

you can’t do the great things that God has planned for you…
Christian encouragement inspiration hope faith

God has not forgotten about you

God has not forgotten about you. Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash.
Christian encouragement hope strength inspiration

accept people where they’re at on the way to where they’re going

accept people where they're at, on the way to where they're going
Christian encouragement strong and courageous hope help faith

don’t just reach out

don't just reach out be the hand that reaches in
God sees how far you've come Christian encouragement strong and courageous

God sees the end, the beginning, and how far you’ve come

God sees the end, the beginning, and how far you've come.
Christian encouragement

the battle is won or lost in the last, longest mile

the battle is won or lost in the last, longest mile, don't…
Christian encouragement

the time to relax is when you don’t have time for it

the time to relax is when you don't have time for it...…
Christian encouragement

don’t underestimate God while you wait for an answer

don't underestimate God while you wait for an answer
Christian hope

your smile may be what keeps someone going today

your smile may be what keeps someone going today
Christian encouragement and hope

the biggest blessings lie just beyond the battle

the biggest blessings lie just beyond the battle keep going
Christian encouragement

everything that the enemy did to you

everything that the enemy did to you, God can make into blessings
Christian encouragement

celebrate how far you’ve come

don't look at how far you have to go celebrate how far…
He turns darkness into light Christian encouragement

He turns darkness into light

He turns darkness into light and makes the rough places smooth
Christian encouragement believe God is working

believe that God is working

even when you can't see him, believe that God is working

don’t change so people will like you

don’t change so people will like you be yourself and the RIGHT…
isaiah 43:2 hope and encouragement

when you go through deep waters, I will be with you

don’t worry about what you can’t do… you weren’t meant to be all things to all people

be strong and courageous joshua 1:9

be strong and courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be…
your value is not determined by how someone else treats you - strong and courageous

your value is not determined by how someone else treats you

believe that God will get you through whatever comes - strong and courageous

believe that God will get you through whatever comes


God is not mad at you

courage for difficulty - strong and courageous

pray for courage

trust God one day at a time strong and courageous

trust God one day at a time

believe God is working

believe that God is working

Strong and Courageous a movement of hope and faith

beauty in simple moments

Strong and Courageous Hope and Inspiration for Entrepreneurs

today’s moments need you

there will be tests

There will be tests. There will be push-back. There will be adversity.…
all a little bit broken lora tucker kaasch hope courage inspiration

a little bit broken

The trust is we're all a little bit broken. We must learn…
Home - Strong and Courageous